Water Car Review


Below is a short listing of the more popular water car conversion guides. 

If a good guide enters the market we will add it to this list

Great Extra Tips

This guide is average to good with extra tips on fuel saving and biodiesel production.

Price        $47.25

Info          Very Good

Results     Good


Kit Available

This guide is not quite as user friendly as the previous guides but overall the information is still good.

A kit is available (Price below is for the manual only)

Price        $49.95

Info          Good

Results     Good




A Review of Water Car Conversion Guides


At this site we hope to provide you with the knowledge to save money on your fuel costs by utilizing an amazingly simple technology that allows you car to run partially on water. The term "partially" is used because its actually the elements that make up water namely Hydrogen and Oxygen that are supplementing the fuel in the engine's combustion chamber.

How Is The Hydrogen and Oxygen Obtained From The Water?
The process is called electrolysis and there is nothing magical about it. Many people have been refining the process for a long time to work in cars and now we are at the point where thousands of everyday people are using this technology to run their cars on water. The reason that it works so well is that the hydrogen, oxygen and gasoline mixture releases a lot more energy in the combustion chamber that gasoline alone and this gives the car a significant power boost when driving.This increased power leads to reduced gasoline consumption and hence saving you money in the process

Why have I Not Heard of This Before?
The mainstream media has pretty much ignored these stories for years with the exception of one or two reports by local media houses. This information has now exploded across the internet with thousands of websites including forums and blogs posting results of test runs which has led to scattered but increasing reports through the larger media houses on this technology.


The Benefits

The Benefits of Using Water As Fuel are:

-Water Car Systems will work on gas or diesel powered cars, SUV's, trucks and vans

-Water Car Systems on average increase mileage 30% - 50%

-Parts and labor Total Less than $200.00

-Works with regular tap water

-Tax break (maximum refund of $2000 for a car based on gross weight, check it out)

-Tax breaks for larger vehicles as well, based on gross weight

-The System is 100% reversible

-Emission related pollution is significantly reduced

-It will save you thousands of dollars a year in fuel costs




Don't Forget To Check For Updates To The Guide List


I am currently in the process of designing another hydrogen generator (electrolysis cell). If I make any break through discoveries it will be listed here first, of course.

I trust you have found one the conversion guides suitable and you will begin to convert your car to a water car.